Syrian Activist, Fared AlHor: Caesar Act exposed the true face of Assad’s regime.

Fared Alhor former Maarat Al-Numan resident, speaks about the Caesar Act and how he feels about its implementation. He believes that the reason the Assad regime record and document the crimes for themselves is to brag about it.

My name is Fared from Maarat al-Numan. I was displaced from my city when Assad’s regime occupied it.

I am living at the Syrian-Turkish border right now.  

We think that the Caesar Act is very important.

It exposed the true face of Assad’s regime.

It exposed how Assad is treating innocent prisoners inside the prisons.

Caesar’s images exposed the truth about the regime.

This is just a fraction of what is happening in the prisons.

We are demanding … as Syrians living inside Syria the implementation of Caesar Act to bring Assad to court and have him tried.

Innocent people are dying, and they are being taken to mass graves and no one knows about it. They record and document it for themselves to brag about their crimes.  

Fared AlHor is an Independent Syrian Journalist. He covers mainly Syrian affairs and the ongoing humanitarian crisis across the Syrian-Turkish borders.

You can follow Fared AlHor on Twitter: @FARED_ALHOR

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